понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


A perfect combo of fire and ice, darkness devouring light. Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. Well Tsjuder write good songs on here that suffer a bit from being samey and only at times slow down from hyperspeed. I'm not a big fan of the "war metal" subgenre of black metal, although I find this more tolerable because it has a great deal of that Norwegian style that I adore so much I absolutely love the Norwegian black metal sound , but in any case I still have to be in the right mood to listen to it. This is pure rage drenched in copious amount of aggression and hell does it let loose. Maybe I'll look into Desert Northern Hell Their style completely transformed from the days of their debut - Kill for Satan. tsjuder demonic possession

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tsjuder demonic possession

Survive the whole album and you're a legend destined to the sacrilegious halls of Valhalla because Tsjuder want you dead. Kory Ice cold Norwegian black metal! Demoner av Satans rike One thing that is really cool about this album though is that many of its songs have moments where they slow down to a more moderate pace, and the instruments cooperate perfectly to make the movements very heavy and at the right times, examples of this being in parts of "Eriphion Epistates", near the middle of "Deathwish" and towards the twjuder of "Ancient Hate".

Tsjuder "Demonic Possession" CD

Father Satan is pleased more now then the day his bitch-slut Jesus was crucified on the Calgary cross. Burn that scum-buckets corpse in the infernal pits of glorious hell. Hailing from Oslo, Tsjuder is a three-piece outfit known best for their relentless, aggressive approach to Black Tsjudsr. Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 18, Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 10, This is a heavy brutal affair, and though it has an atmosphere of coldness and evil, Tsjuder focus more on brutality and aggression here.

Demonic Possession by Tsjuder. There is still some sort of melody to be found at times. Aside that point I would say that in the style that they perform, Tsjuder have crafted a very solid recording and is enjoyable given the possessioj mood. Bone-crushing brutality at its best.

While there are some distinct moments like the aforementioned heavy sections, the whole product has the same feel from beginning to end and many of the songs simply fly over your head without really sticking around and having lasting power.

tsjuder demonic possession

Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x demonlc or higher. ImpaletheCuntMay 2nd, Written based on this version: Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. Posxession Helvete, the band's newest offering, catapults the trio straight to the possessiin of Norwegian Black Metal.

Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. This is Tsjuder's second full length album, and it is a deadly firestorm of Norwegian black metal fury. Fans of "war metal" or diehard fans of Tsjuder might get a bit more enjoyment out of Demonic Possession than I would, but if you find it in a store for cheap then I can safely say that it won't tsjudfr a waste of 5 bucks.

They are as tight as it gets and create a whirlpool of sound that only the top echelon of bands have the ability to do. TaliesinAugust 6th, Tsjuder are the new Gods for sure Eriphion Epistates gets us started and its a fucking ripper. Their style completely transformed from the days of their debut - Kill for Satan.

The bass stands out, the drums are thunderous and the guitars are laden with molten speed. Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 10, go to album.

tsjuder demonic possession

Tom Gabriel Fischer was right, metal songs sound much heavier overall if they aren't blisteringly fast. If you like Tsjuder, you may also like:. The production is clear and bass heavy, the guitars have a thickness to them and the bass is audible underneath adding depth.

Tsjuder | Demonic Possession - Print on demand - Black Metal | Season of Mist USA

This is metal my friend so go burn your cradle of filth fucking albums and catch a wake up you goddamn posers!!! The riffs tend to demonci be thrashy chordal oriented or a bit on the death metal side.

I for one fall asleep listening to shit like that. Posseswion many assholes think that Kvlt production is bad ass, yet their bands play bubblegum metal crap that sounds like it was recorded in a toilet. Other than that there isn't really much to say. Tags behemoth black metal goatwhore inquisition marduk mmortal metal tsjuder Oslo.

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